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About Juli and this place

I'm a writer, researcher, brick and mortar business owner, insulin-resistant, peri-menopausal autoimmune disease battler who is on a Journey for More. 


After breaking some unhealthy habits at 50, and rising out of my own ashes, I expected to feel better, but I didn't. I had zero energy, anemia, brain fog and memory loss. I never felt like exercising. My stomach was getting bigger and I didn't know what to eat or do to help myself. The old strategies didn't work anymore. I was sinking fast.


My years of fad diets, excess alcohol consumption and living in constant fight or flight (which has become our norm) were hitting me head on. I felt wrecked, both mentally or physically.  And then peri-menopause arrived, uninvited like an unwanted house guest staying for a very lengthy visit.


Midlife Juli was a new girl in town. We needed to be friends or life wasn't going to be pleasant.


I made a choice to go after the things I still didn't have: a healthy body, a stronger mindset, a purpose to work towards, and renewed and new relationships.


I've spent the last several years of my 54 years scouring self-help resources and following health and wellness masterminds to learn everything I could to feel better, look better, be better.

I'm doing it, moment to moment, day after day, and I want to share what I learn with you. 

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Age 48 on the left.  52 on the right

We can change anything we want to.

We can live longer and be strong and independent as we do it.

We can decide to be healthy at any age! 


I honestly one thousand percent believe you can get anywhere you want to go in your Health and Wellness by talking small consistent daily steps to get there. Because I have done it. 


This is the time to focus on YOU. You have worked for years-either inside or outside the home, you may have raised children or fulfilled a different role, and now is your time to rebuild your health and chase your unfulfilled dreams. 


If not now, then WHEN?

About Juli


Thank you for taking the time to hang out with me. I know you're busy so I'll get right to it.


I sped past mile marker 45 eight years ago and hit a couple of speed bumps pretty hard which prompted me to slow down and pay attention.


On a resume I’m a non-fiction writer, researcher, and small business food co-owner with my husband. Cooking is totally new for me and I'm on fire for it. (To be clear, the food is not on fire.) 


On a personality test I’m an enneagram 4  and a Type A-/B+ so I feel things deeply and never know how worked up I should be about them.


I’m an extroverted introvert, but in no way shy. I just don't have tons of time for small talk anymore. Phones are for texting, not calling, and If you can’t find me anywhere, check the beach.


I learned that I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Insulin resistance, adrenal dysfunction and ll the blah blah blahs that go along with this. This prompted a deep dive into healing my relationship with food, years of inflammation in the body and my tragically disregulated nervous system.


My disorder resume includes an ED for a large part of my 20s, post partum depression in my 30s, and too much wine in my 40's. These things are part of who I was, they do not define or label who I am.


I have one child, a daughter who lights up the world. She is 22, and is a worship leader. She can sing like Adele. Don't tell her I said that


My friends will tell you I am addicted to Pickleball. They are correct. It’s how tennis players ride off into the sunset.


Breaking Bad, ER, Sound of Music, Steel Magnolias, Wicked the Musical

Mornings, cats, the beach, dusty blue, tulips, tea and every last drop of coffee.


That's plenty for now. Most importantly, I'm so glad you're here. I hope you'll stay awhile.

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